"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. Yet that will be the beginning."  Louis L'Amour

High School Sports in the Era of NIL: Florida Dives In Headfirst

High school sports has always been a hotbed for young talent, dreams of scholarships, and the raw thrill of competition. But now, a new player has entered the arena: Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) rights. And it’s turning the game on its head, with Florida being the latest state to embrace this revolution.
For those unfamiliar, NIL allows athletes—yes, even high schoolers—to profit from their personal brand. This seismic shift opens up exciting opportunities but also raises some serious questions.

Florida Takes the Plunge

In a landmark decision, the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) voted unanimously to allow high school athletes to cash in on their NIL. This move puts Florida among the 30 states and the District of Columbia that have already embraced NIL at the high school level.
The FHSAA’s decision comes after the NCAA’s 2020-2021 rule change that opened the floodgates for NIL deals in college sports. It didn’t take long for high schoolers nationwide to start cashing in, but Florida’s move is significant given its reputation as a hotbed for athletic talent.

A Patchwork of Rules

While Florida’s NIL policy is a game-changer, it’s far from a unified front nationwide. Texas, a state known for its football fervor, has outright banned NIL for high schoolers until they reach college. Other states, lacking clear legislation, have left the decision in the hands of their athletic associations, creating a messy and potentially unfair landscape.

The Haves and Have-Nots

So far, only a tiny fraction of high school athletes—0.001 % in Georgia—have inked NIL deals. The elite players who can dunk from half-court or have a massive social media following are reaping the benefits. For the rest, NIL remains a distant dream.

Florida’s NIL Rules: The Fine Print

Florida’s NIL policy comes with some caveats. Student-athletes won’t be allowed to use their school’s name, logo, or uniform without permission. Schools and boosters are prohibited from using NIL deals to lure athletes away from other schools. And certain products, like alcohol and weapons, are off-limits for endorsements.

The Great Debate

NIL has sparked a fierce debate. On one side, supporters argue it’s only fair for young athletes to capitalize on their abilities. Some even argue that NIL is helping to level the economic playing field for female athletes.
But critics worry about a slippery slope. Will NIL deals become a tool for boosters to lure recruits, just like in college sports? Will the focus shift from teamwork and passion to cold, hard cash? As Tameka Dudley, the mother of a high school player with an NIL deal, warns, “I think kids should benefit, but there definitely should be some type of regulation on it in a way that doesn’t impact performance and how kids play the game because you’re really taking away the natural organicness of the game essentially.”

The Road Ahead

One thing’s for sure: more states are likely to jump on the NIL bandwagon in 2024. No one wants to be left behind in the race for top prospects. But the ultimate power rests with state athletic associations, who may have agendas beyond the well-being of their athletes.
A federal policy could bring much-needed order to the chaos, but that seems like a long shot.

The Bottom Line

NIL is here to stay, whether we like it or not. It can potentially change young athletes’ lives for better or worse. It’s a brave new world that will require careful navigation and a healthy dose of skepticism.
As always, the game is on.

Fight On, Forever: Why Cowherd’s Anti-Notre Dame Rant is Pure Nonsense

 (Photo by Jordon Kelly/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

Colin Cowherd’s recent ramblings about USC ditching Notre Dame are so off base they are comical. The man claims to bleed Cardinal and Gold – that he’s a member of the “Trojan Family,” yet he’s completely out of touch with what matters to the Trojan faithful. He’s crying about the heart and soul of the sport being lost with NIL, conference realignment, and now claiming that with USC moving to the Big 10, playing Notre Dame is a burden? Give me a break. No true USC fan would ever suggest abandoning this sacred rivalry.

USC vs Notre Dame Isn’t “Just Another Game”

Look, the USC-Notre Dame rivalry isn’t just another game. It’s a damn institution, a clash of titans with nearly a century of history behind it. It’s a living testament to the power of tradition, the allure of competition, and the thrill of witnessing greatness unfold on the gridiron. We’re talking Heisman moments, national championship showdowns, the whole nine yards. It’s a rivalry that has transcended generations, captivating fans and forging legends. To even suggest tossing that aside is pure disrespect to the sport, the legacy of USC, and the Trojan Family. As Ara Parseghian once said, “This is probably the greatest intersectional rivalry in college football.”

College Football is Evolving

Cowherd’s wrong. The heart and soul of the sport haven’t disappeared; it’s evolved. NIL and realignment are just new chapters in the ever-changing story of college football. They’re challenges to be embraced, opportunities for growth and innovation. “The game is still the game,” Bear Bryant famously said. And this rivalry, this annual clash between two iconic programs, is a shining example of that enduring spirit.

Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere

As for the Big 10 schedule being a burden? Please. USC isn’t afraid of a challenge. They’re not backing down from anyone. As Pete Carroll once said, “Competition is a gift.” Playing Notre Dame, even with a tougher conference schedule, only adds to the allure, the excitement, and the stakes. It’s a testament to the Trojans’ commitment to excellence and willingness to face the best, regardless of odds.
This rivalry is a microcosm of the sport, a clash of styles, a battle of wills. It’s the West Coast flair of USC against the Midwestern grit of Notre Dame, a collision of cultures and a test of character. This goes beyond football, too. USC and Notre Dame are academic powerhouses, elite institutions that push each other to improve on and off the field. The annual showdown is a celebration of that shared pursuit of excellence.

Cowherd’s Take Is Nonsense

So let’s cut the crap and call a spade a spade: Cowherd’s take is utter nonsense. This rivalry isn’t going anywhere, and it shouldn’t. It’s a cornerstone of college football, a gift to the fans, and a legacy that deserves to be carried on for generations. As Pat Haden said, “There’s nothing like it in sports.” The USC-Notre Dame rivalry is more than just a game; it’s an embodiment of what makes college football so damn special. It’s the past, present, and future of the sport, all rolled into one glorious showdown.
A true Trojan knows that.
Trojan play-by-play announcer Pete Arbogast responded perfectly: “It’s THE best intersectional rival in history. Just leave it be.”

College Football Preseason Rankings Are for Suckers in 2024

College football preseason rankings are about as reliable as a three-dollar bill in 2024. Why, you ask? Well, let me break it down for you.

Whirlwind of Change

First off, college football is a whirlwind of change. Players jump ship to the NFL, coaches do the hokey pokey, and the transfer portal shuffles rosters like a deck of cards. It’s chaos, my friends, and it makes those preseason rankings about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. One fan nailed it: “Nebraska’s offense is to be determined. Defense will definitely be one of the best. I don’t know about preseason top 25 after last season.”

Then we’ve got NIL deals raining down like confetti. Some players swim in cash, while others are tangled up in legal battles. It’s a distraction, folks, and it throws a wrench into team chemistry.

And don’t even get me started on conference realignment. It’s like a game of musical chairs, with teams switching conferences and rivalries getting turned on their heads. Forget what you knew about who’s on top because the landscape is shifting faster than a sand dune in a hurricane.

College Football – King of the Unexpected

Let’s not forget that college football is the king of the unexpected. Underdogs rise, favorites fall, and chaos reigns supreme. Preseason rankings? They’re about as accurate as a weatherman predicting a tornado in a teacup. “We all know that Miami will not be ranked this high when the season is done,” one fan wisely observed.

Oh, and did I mention injuries? They can cripple a team faster than you can say “torn ACL.” Preseason rankings can’t predict who will get sidelined, so take them with a whole salt shaker.

Traditional Powers Get Pre-Season Rankings Boost

And finally, let’s talk bias. Those preseason rankings? They’re often more about hype than substance. Traditional powerhouses get a boost, even if they’ve played like a bunch of wet noodles. Even a die-hard USC fan admits, “I think as it stands LSU and Notre Dame do not deserve to be in the top 15… LSU for defense and Notre Dame having Riley Leonard at QB… Arizona should be ranked higher than USC based on returning depth on offense… honestly i want USC to be unranked I don’t think we deserve it.”

Preseason Rankings Aren’t Reliable

So, there you have it. Preseason rankings are fun to argue about, but they’re about as reliable as a politician’s promise. The real action happens on the field, folks. As one fan put it, “Miami hasn’t proven anything. Shouldn’t be ahead of Clemson, Tenn.”

So, buckle up, buttercup, because college football is about to get wild. Forget the rankings, and let the games begin!

When Tech Support Feels Like a Human Connection: My Unexpected Microsoft Miracle

May 28, 2024

Mark Haines, Coaches Hot Seat

The blue screen of death. A Microsoft account in limbo. The digital equivalent of a flat tire on a Monday morning. We’ve all been there, haven’t we?

But then, a glimmer of hope. A support technician named Michael. A voice thick with a French accent guiding me through the labyrinth of Windows settings. A shared laugh over the absurdity of it all.

He could have easily passed me off, given me a standard script, and called it a day. But he didn’t. He dug in, taking control of my machine, patiently working through each error message.

And then, a surprising moment of connection. I told Michael how much I genuinely appreciate his effort and time. And then, he thanked me for being patient. A simple gesture, yet it spoke volumes. It was a reminder that behind the screens, there were real people, trying to do their best.

Three hours later, the problem was mostly solved. Not with a magic wand, but with persistence, expertise, and a genuine desire to help.

In a world of automated responses and impersonal interactions, Michael’s exceptional service was a breath of fresh air. It was a reminder that even in the realm of tech support, human connection can make all the difference.

So, thank you, Michael. And thank you, Microsoft, for hiring people like him. It’s a testament to your commitment to customer service, and it’s something I won’t soon forget.

NCAA’s March Madness Miracle: How College Basketball is Saving the NCAA’s Behind

Listen up because the NCAA is about to face a reckoning bigger than any upset in March Madness. They’ve been playing a game of denial, pretending college athletes were just amateurs while raking in billions. Well, the final buzzer has sounded on that charade.

Not Just A Settlement – A Revolution

This settlement? It’s not just a payout; it’s a revolution. The NCAA is finally admitting what we’ve all known: these athletes aren’t just playing for school pride, they’re creating value, and it’s about damn time they got paid for it.

Don’t get me wrong, the NCAA isn’t doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. They’re being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. And you know what’s ironic? It’s the very sport that’s brought them so much money – college football – that’s put them in this financial bind.

March Madness to the Rescue

But the real MVP here? College basketball and the men’s NCAA Tournament. That’s right, March Madness is bailing out the entire NCAA. Without it, they’d be in a worse position than a 16-seed facing a number one.

Now, this new era will not be without its growing pains. Smaller conferences will struggle, and the gap between the haves and have-nots will only widen. But let’s be real: The cartel commonly known as the NCAA has been a rigged game for far too long.

Players Get Their Due

So, thank god for March Madness because it’s not just the best thing about the NCAA; it’s the only thing keeping the whole damn operation afloat. And now, finally, the players will get their due.

Game on.

Phished! My Password Predicament and What I Learned

You know those moments when you read a news article about someone falling for a scam and think, “How could they be so gullible?” Yeah, well, I ate those words hook, line, and sinker today.

I, Mark Haines—an entrepreneur, writer, and guy who thinks he’s pretty savvy about online security—got phished. It was a simple email from my attorney, seemingly informing me she had some information to share. The link took me to Dropbox and then to a Microsoft sign-in for OneDrive, and everything looked legit, so I clicked.

Nothing opened. So I tried again. Same result.

I had just received an email from the attorney about something else, so I responded to that and told her I couldn’t sign in to retrieve the item she had just sent.

Then the response: “Mark, please do not open it. It’s a phishing email. We are not sending you anything via Dropbox.”

The Sinking Feeling

That gut-wrenching feeling washed over me. I knew I’d been had. I raced to change any credential I used because of that email: Dropbox, Microsoft, iCloud—wait, are there others? Fortunately, I have two-factor identification enabled everywhere, and nothing has been changed.

Nonetheless, panic mode set in. I started going through every account I could think of, changing passwords and enabling two-factor authentication wherever possible. It was a chaotic few hours, filled with self-loathing and a healthy dose of “How could I be so stupid?”

Lessons Learned (the Hard Way)

Slow Down: No matter how urgent an email seems, take a moment to breathe and analyze it. Hover over links to see the URL, check for typos or inconsistencies, and contact the company directly through official channels if you’re unsure.

Trust Your Gut: That nagging feeling you get when something seems off? It’s usually right. Don’t ignore it.

Two-Factor Authentication is Your Friend: Make it a standard practice for all your accounts. It adds an extra layer of security that can be a lifesaver in situations like this.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up: We all make mistakes. It is important to learn from them and take steps to protect ourselves in the future.

The Crooks Are Getting Really Good: This email looked really legit. It didn’t have the usual misspellings or slightly off-color colors.

The Takeaway

Today was a humbling reminder that even the most “security-conscious” individuals can fall victim to scams. The internet is a wild west of trickery, and the phishers are getting more sophisticated daily.

Stay vigilant, my friends. Don’t let your guard down, and always remember: if it seems too good to be true or too urgent to ignore, it probably is.

Gaza Takes Backseat: Berkeley Community Fury Fueled by New Logo

All right, folks, gather around for the latest drama unfolding in the hallowed halls of UC Berkeley. You know, the school that’s supposed to be all about academic excellence and groundbreaking research? Well, they’ve decided to throw all that out the window and rebrand themselves as “Cal Berkeley.” Yes, you heard that right. Cal. Berkeley.

The students and alumni? They’re not having it.

Change.org Petition and Reddit Rage

A Change.org petition is blowing up, demanding the university to backtrack on this rebranding fiasco. Students, alumni, and even the local community are up in arms, claiming this new identity is a slap in the face to the university’s rich history and prestigious reputation.

They’re not wrong.

The UC Berkeley seal is iconic, representing generations of scholars and innovators. Replacing it with some generic “Cal Berkeley” logo is like trading in a vintage Rolls Royce for a used Toyota.

The petition argues that the new branding “devalues UC Berkeley degrees” and diminishes the university’s prestigious reputation. “The UC Berkeley seal is an important part of our university’s heritage,” the petition states. “It represents our history and allows students to stand out against the thousands of other colleges nationwide. By removing this logo, particularly on LinkedIn, recruiters and professionals can no longer recognize the seal that sets Cal students apart from many other candidates.”

But it’s not just the petition. Reddit is on fire, too. Berkeleyites are slamming the new logo, calling it a cheap imitation of the UCLA Bruin logo. Others are worried about the impact on their degrees, fearing that future employers will mistake them for graduates of some no-name state school.

“This objectively devalues your degree, and I’m not even joking,” one Reddit user writes. “A hiring manager taking a <2s glance at your profile now thinks ‘okay, went to some random state school.'”

Another user criticizes the new logo for its similarity to other schools, such as UCLA, arguing that it goes against the university’s objective of creating a distinct identifier. A third user states, “Whoever was in charge of this branding brought their worst to the table. Glad this petition is making the rounds.

The Identity Crisis

Well – it’s true – UC Berkeley has always had a bit of an identity crisis. In the academic world, it’s all “Berkeley” this and “UC Berkeley” that. But when it comes to sports, it’s all about the “Cal” spirit. So, the university thought, “Hey, let’s just mash those two names together and call it a day!” Brilliant, right?


This rebranding mess is a classic example of trying to fix something that wasn’t broken. The university’s task force claims people were confused about the two names. The Los Angeles Times reports that according to research conducted by the university’s task force, “66% of Americans, 36% of Californians and 21% of Bay Area residents didn’t know or weren’t sure that the names ‘Berkeley’ ‘UC Berkeley’ ‘Cal Berkeley’ and ‘Cal’ referred to the same place.” But let’s be real, who cares? It’s a university, not a riddle. And even if there was some confusion, was a complete rebranding really the answer?

The Future of Cal Berkeley (or Whatever They’re Calling It)

So, what’s next for UC Berkeley? Will they listen to the outcry and scrap this disastrous rebranding? Or will they stubbornly stick to their guns and alienate their entire community? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure: this whole debacle is a major PR disaster for the university. And it’s a lesson for all of us: sometimes, the best way to move forward is to embrace your past, not erase it.

College Football Fans: Ditch the Super League Hype, Get Ready for Bundled Bliss (& Bigger Paydays)

The Super League is a Pipe Dream (and Here’s Why)

Everyone’s talking about a Super League—fans, pundits, even coaches who think they’re the next Nick Saban. Patrick Crakes, former FOX Sports VP, dropped the cold, hard truth on Canzano & Winer, the podcast—it ain’t happening, and here’s why.

Money, Money, Money

Forget the on-field drama for a second. To build a Super League, you need investors willing to drop not only a billion or two but something north of ten or twenty. Billion. That’s buyout money for Fox and ESPN’s conference rights, building an entire network infrastructure, the whole shebang. And then there’s the next chore: finding someone to actually distribute it.

Do you think you can buy out the rights, restructure everything, and then sell it back to those networks for a fat profit? Dream on!

The only scenario where a Super League might make sense is if Fox and ESPN are in as partners, partial owners even. But even then, the whole thing is a financial Jenga tower. Why spend billions to reinvent the wheel when they’re already raking in the dough?

The Future Isn’t Super, It’s Bundled

So, what’s the future of college football broadcasting if not a Super League? It’s all about bundles.
Remember when you actually had to go to a game to see your team play? Yeah, me neither. Then came regional sports networks, streaming rights, and the expectation that every game should be available for a price.

But here’s the problem: those bundle prices are usually by conference. That works great regionally but not so much nationally. It’s pushed us towards these mega-conferences, trying to get fans in California to care about ACC football so they’ll buy the bundle and watch their former Pac-12 team.
The future is one giant bundle. A Toledo fan paying for the Oklahoma State game even though he couldn’t care less. That’s where the networks see maximum value.

What This Means For You

So, ditch the Super League fantasy and prepare for the bundled future. It’s coming, whether we like it or not. Your team’s value isn’t just about wins and losses anymore; it’s about how they fit into this bigger picture. So, the next time you’re cheering in the stands or screaming at your TV, remember: it’s not just about the game but the future of how we watch it.

Big 10 Preview: Michigan Wolverines Fans, Prepare Yourselves – 2024 Football May Be a Bumpy Ride

The Michigan Wolverines have a target on their backs. Defending national champions, yes. But the throne is shaky with Jim Harbaugh gone and a roster full of holes. College football analyst Ralph Russo isn’t sugarcoating it: he sees a potential 8-4 (or worse) season in Ann Arbor.

A recipe for disaster:

  • Coaching Carousel: New staff, new systems, new culture. The Harbaugh magic is gone.
  • Quarterback Conundrum: Who’s the guy? Uncertainty breeds instability.
  • Schedule from Hell: Texas, USC, Oregon, Ohio State – a gauntlet of powerhouse programs.
  • Unrealistic Expectations: A top-10 preseason ranking sets a dangerous bar even with lowered projections.

The Hot Seat Heats Up:

If Russo’s right, new coach Sherrone Moore will feel the heat quickly. Seven or eight wins is unacceptable for a program with championship DNA. The fan base is rabid, the media is relentless, and the alumni are demanding. The honeymoon period will be short-lived.

Coaches Hot Seat Perspective:

Look, I’m not saying Russo is a fortune teller. But he’s a seasoned analyst, and his concerns are legitimate. Michigan is facing a perfect storm of challenges. They need a miracle season to avoid a crisis of confidence.

Buckle up, Wolverines fans. This could be a bumpy ride.

5 Communication Skills That Separate Great Coaches from the Rest (And How to Master Them)

“We didn’t tackle well today but we made up for it by not blocking.” Coach John McKay, USC

Great coaches build success by understanding communication—how we connect, persuade, and lead. Let’s break down the non-negotiable communication skills if you want to rise to the top of your game.

Coaching isn’t just about X’s and O’s. It’s a high-wire act of managing personalities, expectations, and the relentless glare of the media spotlight. Your communication skills are your safety net—or the reason you faceplant.

The Non-Negotiable 5:

Authenticity Under Pressure:

The media can smell a phony from a mile away. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Own your mistakes and victories, and let your real passion shine through.

Pro-tip: Prepare for tough questions. Have a few go-to phrases that express your core values, even when feeling the heat.

Player Whisperer:

Every player is different. Some need a kick in the pants; others need an arm around the shoulder. Knowing how to tailor your message to each individual is the key to unlocking their full potential.

Pro-tip: Listen more than you talk. The best communicators are often the ones asking the right questions.

Mastering the Art of the Pep Talk:

Motivation isn’t about screaming until you’re hoarse. It’s about finding the words that ignite a fire within your team.

Pro-tip: Tap into the emotions of the moment. Use vivid imagery, tell stories, and make your message personal.

Navigating the Administrative Maze:

Your relationship with the administration is a partnership. It’s about clear expectations, open communication, and working together toward a common goal.

Pro-tip: Don’t be afraid to push back, but do it respectfully. Always come to the table with solutions, not just complaints.

Crisis Management Like a Pro:

When the you-know-what hits the fan, your communication skills are your most valuable asset.
Pro-tip: Have a plan for handling a crisis. Who will you talk to? What will you say? The more prepared you are, the better you’ll be able to weather the storm.

Your Communication Skills Are Your Coaching Superpower

Master these five skills, and you’ll survive in the hot seat and thrive. You’ll build a reputation as a leader who can handle anything, a coach who inspires loyalty and trust, and a winner who knows how to get the best out of everyone around them.

Big Ten Football Preview – Ohio State: Can the Buckeyes Conquer Michigan And Win a Natty in 2024?


Buckeye Nation is buzzing with anticipation as Ohio State football enters the 2024 season with sky-high expectations. The team’s dominance on the field and prowess in recruiting have fueled predictions of a championship run. But can they finally break their losing streak against their arch-rivals, the Michigan Wolverines?

Advanced Metrics Love the Buckeyes

Based on our analysis, Ohio State is the second-best team in the nation heading into the 2024 season, trailing only the Georgia Bulldogs. Based on a blend of efficiency statistics, recruiting data, and recent performance, these rankings suggest that the Buckeyes are a force to be reckoned with.

One of the most promising aspects of the team is the defense. CHS predicts Ohio State will boast the number-one defense in college football this year. With seven returning starters, including seasoned veterans in the front and secondary, and the guidance of defensive coordinator Jim Knowles, this prediction isn’t surprising.

While ranked 20th, the offense is still a potent unit. With the Big Ten’s leading rusher, TreVeyon Henderson, bolstered by the addition of transfer Quinshon Judkins, the Buckeyes have a formidable ground game. The experienced offensive line and the return of star receiver Emeka Egbuka further solidify their offensive potential. The quarterback position remains a question mark, but with options like Will Howard, Devin Brown, and Lincoln Kienholz, the Buckeyes are well-equipped to find a capable leader.

The Big Ten Landscape

The new-look Big Ten is poised to be one of the most competitive conferences in the nation, with four teams ranked in the top ten. Ohio State, Oregon, Michigan, and Penn State are all expected to be contenders.

Despite losing several key players from its national championship team, Michigan still boasts a top-ranked defense. Adding talented recruits and the presence of offensive coordinator Chip Kelly could also boost Ohio State’s offensive performance.

Overcoming the Michigan Hurdle

Ohio State’s recent losses to Michigan have left a bitter taste in the mouths of Buckeye fans. However, this year’s projections offer a glimmer of hope. FanDuel predicts that the Buckeyes will secure at least 10.5 wins, while Michigan is projected to win 9.5 games. This suggests a potential shift in the rivalry, with Ohio State possibly ending their losing streak.

Can the Buckeyes Live Up to the Hype?

While projections and rankings are exciting, they don’t guarantee success. The Buckeyes must overcome a challenging schedule featuring tough matchups against Oregon, Michigan, Penn State, Iowa, and Nebraska. The non-conference slate is expected to be less demanding, but upsets are always possible.

The quarterback position will be crucial in determining the Buckeyes’ ultimate success. Their offensive potential will skyrocket if they can find a consistent and reliable leader under center.

The road to a championship is never easy, but with a talented roster, experienced coaching staff, and favorable projections, Ohio State football is poised for a memorable 2024 season. The question remains: Can they overcome the Michigan hurdle and claim the ultimate prize? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure—this season is shaping up to be exciting for Buckeye Nation.


Unlimited Coaches in College Football: Is This the Winning Play or a Fumble?

“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” – Peter Drucker

Buckle up, folks. College football is teetering on the edge of a seismic shift, one that could change the game as much as NIL deals and the transfer portal.

We’re talking about unlimited coaches.

That’s right. The days of strictly capped coaching staffs could be going the way of the wishbone offense. Soon, hundreds of analysts and quality control coaches might be unleashed on the field, transforming the coaching landscape and potentially widening the gap between the haves and have-nots.

The Coaches Association is Going All In

According to a story by The Athletic’s Chris Vannini the change supported by the American Football Coaches Association (AFCA). Craig Bohl, the executive director of the AFCA, isn’t mincing words: “This is a hill the AFCA will die on.” They’re pushing hard for this change, arguing that it’ll open up more opportunities for young coaches to learn and grow.

And it’s not just the AFCA. Coaches like Texas Tech’s Joey McGuire are singing its praises, too. He sees it as a way to empower the talented young coaches currently stuck in analyst roles.

But Wait, There’s Resistance

Of course, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Some worry about ballooning staff salaries and a potential brain drain from smaller programs to the Power 4 powerhouses.

Ryan Silverfield, the head coach at Memphis, isn’t thrilled. He’s concerned about unintended consequences, like the Power 4 poaching even more talent from the Group of 5. Plus, he raises a valid point: is there such a thing as too many cooks in the kitchen?

Compliance: A Hot Mess

Here’s where it gets interesting. The current rules are so convoluted and hard to enforce that some programs are already ignoring them, letting analysts coach under the radar.

Cincinnati’s head coach Scott Satterfield is frustrated by this inconsistency. He’s playing by the rules, while others are bending them to gain an edge.

The Big Questions

Will This Actually Level the Playing Field? Or will it just further entrench the advantages of the big-budget programs?

What About the Graduate Assistants? How will this impact these staffers who are often just starting their careers?

Can Schools Afford This? With massive payouts looming for some schools, will they have the cash to expand their coaching staffs?

The Bottom Line

One thing’s for sure: College football is at a crossroads. The NCAA is loosening its grip, and we’re seeing major changes left and right. Unlimited coaches could be the next domino to fall.

Whether this is a game-changer or a recipe for disaster remains to be seen. But one thing is certain: the coaching profession is about to get a whole lot more interesting.

Stay tuned. This is one story you won’t want to miss.

Steal Their Playbook: The 3 Psychological Power Moves Elite Coaches Use to Win (and How You Can Too)

X’s and O’s are only half the battle. The other half? Owning the mental game, both coaches and your players. I’m not just talking rah-rah speeches, but the subtle psychology behind how you connect with your players and staff. Done right, it’s the difference between a ragtag bunch and a well-oiled machine.

Let’s break down the three communication techniques that top-tier coaches have mastered and how you can steal their playbook:

Active Listening: The Belichick Blueprint

Ever notice how Bill Belichick barely blinks during press conferences? It’s not boredom; it’s hyper-focus on extracting every ounce of information. He listens to opponents, media, even his own players, with an intensity that’s almost unnerving. But it’s why he’s always two steps ahead.

The Lesson: Active listening isn’t passive. It’s leaning in, asking clarifying questions, even mirroring body language. It shows you give a damn, and that builds trust faster than any pep talk.

Clear and Concise Messaging: The Popovich Principle

Gregg Popovich, the Spurs’ legendary coach, is famous for his no-nonsense communication. His message is always crystal clear, delivered in a way that leaves no room for misinterpretation. It might be gruff, but it’s undeniably effective.

The Lesson: Cut the fluff. Be direct, but not disrespectful. Your players shouldn’t be guessing what you meant; they should be executing your plan.

Feedback and Recognition: The Kerr Culture

Steve Kerr, the Golden State Warriors’ mastermind, has created a culture of accountability and celebration. He’s not afraid to call out mistakes, but he’s equally quick to praise effort and achievement. This balance fuels a team that’s both hungry and confident.

The Lesson: Feedback is the breakfast of champions, but don’t forget the dessert. Recognition reinforces good habits and creates a positive feedback loop that drives your team to new heights.

Bottom Line:

Coaching isn’t just about Xs and Os. It’s about mastering the psychology of communication. By actively listening, delivering clear messages, and providing both feedback and recognition, you can transform your team from a group of individuals into a cohesive unit that’s primed for success.

So, take a page from Belichick, Popovich, and Kerr’s playbooks. Steal their moves, adapt them to your style, and watch as your team clicks on a whole new level.

The Overlooked Competitive Edge That Could Take Your Team to the Next Level

I’ve always been fascinated by mental toughness. It’s the difference-maker. That’s why my ears perked up during Shane Parrish’s interview with performance psychologist Dr. Jim Loehr on The Knowledge Project Podcast.

See, we think it’s the talent, the training, the raw grit. And those all matter. But the real power lies in the stories we tell ourselves. Change those, and you change the game entirely.

Athletes: This Is For You

You already know the drill: positive self-talk is key. It’s that “belief boost” when nothing seems to go your way. But Dr. Loehr takes it deeper.

Do you think you’re limited by what your body can do? Nope. You’re limited by the story you tell yourself about what your body can do. The same applies to relationships, performance under pressure, and heck, every single part of your life.

How Do We Change The Story?

We need to be uncomfortably honest. Your inner monologue is full of hidden traps: “I’m not good enough,” “I’m afraid to fail,” “I’ll never be like them…”

The answer isn’t slapping on a bunch of fake positivity. It’s actively working to transform those destructive narratives. Journal, meditate or talk to someone who sees your potential more clearly than you do. Build a practice around re-wiring those stories.

The Power of Mental Toughness

It’s not just about the feel-good stuff. True mental toughness—that bulldog-like determination to keep going—comes from the way you talk to yourself.

And hey, this isn’t some secret sauce for solo athletes. Those narratives have ripple effects. Coaches and veterans on the team set the tone for the rising stars. Positive talk isn’t a weakness; it creates a breeding ground for champions.

This Hits Me On Another Level

The thing is, I’m never just writing about sports or coaches. I’m writing about how we operate in this world. Whether you’re on the field, in the office, or struggling through a creative block, those inner voices are running the show.

So, the next time you aim for a goal, don’t just train the body. Train the mind. Because the strongest weapon you’ll ever have is the story you tell yourself.

Forget the Coaches, Your Agent Calls the Shots in the NIL Era

NIL was supposed to be about the athlete, right? Well, surprise, surprise – those agents you used to just see sniffing around pro prospects now hold all the cards in college sports. It’s their world, and the rest of us are just living in it.

Think about it. Before, agents were hunting for that big payday down the road – the NFL contract. Now? They can make bank the second a kid steps on campus. Top recruits aren’t looking at coaching staff or fancy facilities anymore. They’re listening to the agent whispering about six-figure brand deals and local sponsorships. Universities can’t play that game; their hands are tied.

This is where it gets messy. See, it’s not just about snagging deals anymore. With no NCAA babysitting the NIL world, agents are the ones telling kids where to sign. They’re greasing the wheels with boosters, making sure those NIL opportunities are juicy enough to steer a recruit their way. Is it fair? Hell no. Is it smart? You bet.

Universities are scrambling, trying to talk about “tradition” and “academics.” Please. Kids are smarter than that. Forget the NCAA – they’re irrelevant now. What matters is if a school’s got a clear path to cash for the athlete.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about athletes getting paid. But if universities and those booster collectives want to stay in the game, they need to figure out how to play by the agents’ rules. And for the love of God, someone needs to educate these athletes. They need to know how this NIL stuff works, and how to pick a good agent instead of some sleazeball promising the world.

The NIL era is here, and it’s a Wild West show. Agents are running rampant, universities are lost, and only the athletes who know how to navigate this mess will actually win.

The Heat Is On: Why College Coaches Land on the Hot Seat

Look, the second you accept that head coaching gig, there’s a target on your back. Wins and losses aren’t just numbers on a screen—they’re a countdown clock for your career. So what sends a coach straight to the fiery depths of the hot seat?

  1. Underperformance: You don’t get into coaching to lose. When your team’s record looks more like a losing lottery ticket than a championship run, the heat starts to build. Nobody wants to be the architect of a mediocre program.
  2. Fans Gone Rogue: The roar of the crowd built this sport. But when that roar turns into a chorus of boos and demands for your head, it’s deafening. These are the people who buy tickets, bleed your team colors, and turn into absolute beasts when you let them down. Cross them at your peril.
  3. The Media Sharks Smell Blood: Journalists aren’t your buddies, especially when you’re tanking. They’ll circle your failures like sharks, churning the waters with speculation and scathing headlines. Their job is to stir the pot, and when you’re losing, you’re the main ingredient in their spicy soup.

Bottom Line: In the high-stakes world of college football, you’re only as good as your last game. The cheers fade fast. The critics? They never shut up. To stay off the hot seat, you gotta pile up the wins, appease those hungry fans, and learn to dance with the media sharks without getting bitten.

How do you assess your team’s performance? And hey, who’s YOUR ultimate coach hot-seat candidate right now? Spill the beans in the comments – I’m all ears.

Forget Your Feelings: We’re Ranking College Football Coaches on What Really Matters

Listen, I get it. We all love to argue about who’s the hottest coach in the nation. Is Matt Rhule on the rise? Is Billy Napier washed up? But let’s be real – those barstool debates are fueled by emotion, half-baked stats, and way too much bias.

At Coaches Hot Seat, we’re not about that noise. We want to cut through the chaos and get down to brass tacks: who’s actually DELIVERING results and whose seat is starting to scorch?

That’s why we’re building a ranking system that looks past the hype and digs into the cold, hard data. Sure, it’s not perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot better than just shouting our opinions into the void.

So, what’s our secret sauce? We’re starting with these core metrics:

  • Winning Percentage: The Great Equalizer. Duh. A coach’s job is to win games. How they’ve performed over their entire tenure at a school matters more than any single season.
  • Rivalry Rage: It’s Not Just a Game. Can you dominate those must-win matchups, the ones that make or break your legacy? Lose to your biggest rival year after year? Yeah, that’ll get you a one-way ticket to unemployment.
  • The Late Season Surge: Do You Peak or Fizzle? Great teams find another gear when the pressure’s on. Folding in November screams ‘pretender,’ while peaking in December earns you trophies.
  • Bowl Game Glory: The Spotlight’s on You. Do you own the big stage? Bowl wins combined with rivalry records paint a clear picture of who thrives (and who shrinks) under the brightest lights.

This ain’t the Bible, folks. It’s a conversation starter. We want YOUR take. Got a killer stat that proves a coach’s greatness (or mediocrity)? Think we’re missing something crucial? Hit us up in the comments, let’s get the debate raging.

Because at the end of the day, it’s not about who’s the most popular or who talks the best game. It’s about who gets the results when it matters most.

Want a Sneak Peek of the Big Ten’s Future? Better Subscribe to the Pac-12 Network

Remember when geography meant something? Yeah, me neither.

Oregon, UCLA, USC, and Washington are gearing up for their spring games today. And guess where you’ll find them? Ironically, on the Pac-12 Network. Turns out, ditching conferences isn’t as easy as it looks.

Big Ten fans, you wanted a preview of your new favorite teams? Too bad. You’ll have to cough up the cash for the Pac-12 Network if you want to see what the future of the conference looks like (if it’s even available). Talk about an awkward transition period.

But hey, at least you have options. Here’s today’s spring game lineup:


Duke: Sat., April 20 at 6 p.m. on ACC Network
Florida State: Sat., April 20 at 4 p.m. on ACC Network
North Carolina: Sat., April 20 at 3 p.m., TV TBD
Stanford: Sat., April 20 at 3:30 p.m. on Pac-12 Network
Virginia: Sat., April 20 at 2:30 p.m. on ACC Network Extra
Wake Forest: Sat., April 20 at 2 p.m. on ACC Network

Big Ten

Illinois: Sat., April 20 at 2 p.m. on BTN
Iowa: Sat., April 20, Time and TV TBD
Michigan: Sat., April 20 at 12 p.m. on Fox
Michigan State: Sat., April 20 at 2 p.m., TV TV: BTN+
Minnesota: No Spring Game
Northwestern: TBD
Rutgers: Sat., April 26 at 3 p.m., TV TBD
USC: Sat., April 20 at 3 p.m. on Pac-12 Network
Wisconsin: No Spring Game

Big 12

Baylor: Sat., April 20 at 1 p.m. on ESPN+
BYU: No Spring Game
Iowa State: Sat., April 20 at 12 p.m., TV TBD

Kansas: Fri., April 12 at 8 p.m., TV TBD
Kansas State: No Spring Game
Oklahoma State: TBD
Texas Tech: Sat., April 20 at 2 p.m. on ESPN+


Mississippi State: Sat., April 20 at 1 p.m. on SECN+
Oklahoma: Sat., April 20 at 2 p.m. on ESPN+
South Carolina: Sat., April 20 at 7 p.m. on SECN+
Texas: Sat., April 20 at 2 p.m. on Longhorn Network
Texas A&M: Sat., April 20 at 2 p.m. on SECN+
Vanderbilt: No Spring Game

Look, I’m not one to dwell on the past. But sometimes, the absurdity of college sports realignment just cracks me up.

Are You Ready for Some REAL Football Talk? Buckle Up.

Hey, Die-Hard Fanatics—

Let’s get real. I’m the new guy in charge around here, and this ain’t your mama’s college football website. No watered-down analysis, no boring stats dumps. Forget the hype machine—we’re dissecting every conference, every program, and every coaching staff.
Why? Because like you, I LIVE for those fall Saturdays. The roar of the crowd, the do-or-die moments… that’s where legends are born, my friend.

Thing is, building a website’s like coaching. Takes strategy, dedication, and a willingness to roll with the punches. We hit some snags in the transition (because, hey, nothing’s EVER as easy as it looks, right?). BUT… we’re back in the game, folks.

Here’s what’s coming:

  • No-holds-barred conference breakdowns:
  • Think brutal honesty mixed with a shot of humor. I’ll cut through the noise and tell you which teams are contenders, which coaches are on thin ice, and where the next Cinderella story is hiding.
  • A fresh look that screams “fanatic:” We’re building something as bold as your team colors.
  • A community for the obsessed: This ain’t a place for casual fans. If you bleed your school’s colors, welcome to the tribe.

I’m stoked to build this thing with you. Because college football isn’t just a sport. It’s in our blood.

Get ready for a whole new level of fandom at www.coacheshotseat.com.

Hit me up—let us know what’s on your mind.



After 17 College Football Seasons Coaches Hot Seat Has New Owners – Thanks and Love Y’all

The Late Great author, adventurer, and essayist Louis L’Amour reportedly once said >

“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. Yet that will be the beginning.”

After 17 seasons of covering the Great Game of College Football here at Coaches Hot Seat the 7 original founders of CHS and the 500+ Members of CHS are bringing down the curtain on what has been tons of tremendous fun, lots of amazing adventures, and silliness from one end of America to the other doing Coaches Hot Seat since we cranked all this up in January 2007!

We are excited to see what the Terrific New Owners of Coaches Hot Seat are going to do with the CHS website, name, and social media accounts like Twitter and we believe they will bring lots of fresh new energy, loads of experience, and a more professional approach to Coaches Hot Seat that for lots of reasons we haven’t been able to do in recent years since we running around like crazy so much in our full-time jobs working hard to keep roofs over our families heads!

Please welcome the New Folks at Coaches Hot Seat with the same enthusiasm you have shown to us here at CHS for 17 Awesome College Football seasons now and we would like to say….

Thank You to Everyone out there that ever visited the Coaches Hot Seat website, interacted with us on Twitter, sent us emails and messages, and enjoyed what we have always loved doing which is….

Covering the Great Game of College Football and Coaches on the Hot Seat!

You will be able to find us and all our craziness, silliness, and love of the Great Game of College Football and Life itself at the Twitter or X handle…


….so as you continue to follow what the Terrific New Folks are going to do @CoachesHotSeat follow us as well @TahoeCFB and we will all together get to keep on moving down the road on this Amazing Adventure called Life and we will just keep on keeping on and to Joseph Campbell’s question below….

“The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.”

…we will keep saying…

Hell Yes!
Thanks and Love Y’all!

Everyone here at Coaches Hot Seat

Coaches Hot Seat Quote of the Day – Tuesday – March 12, 2024 – Helen Keller


“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”  Helen Keller

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