Daily Archive: October 16, 2023

Post Week 7 Coaches Hot Seat Ranking – Ring of Fire These Hot Seat Coaches Johnny! – Thanks Mr. Cash!


Where indeed does the time go because we got 7 weeks of the 2023 College Football Season in the books and it seems like it went by in minutes and yet Week 7 is done and Week 8 is a coming quick which means let’s bring out the Great Johnny Cash to do some Ring of Fire on these Hot Seat Coaches!

Light Em Up Johnny!

Thanks Mr. Cash!

Coaches Hot Seat Rankings

1.  Jimbo Fisher, Texas A&M – A Totally Shocking Record to consider when you realize that Jimbo Fisher has been paid $50M+ $$$ Large at Texas A&M is his record in this last 20 games with the Aggies >

9 – 11

Yep….9 and Freaking 11!

That was Jimbo Fisher’s 67 th games as the Head Coach of the Aggies and it seems that the further we get into the Fisher Era at A&M the worse it gets and what about this…

13 Points?

13 Points is all you can score on Tennessee with Jimbo and Bobby Petrino at the controls of the Aggies Offense?

Just what in the Hell are these folks doing at Aggies practices because you could literally just leave a bag of footballs out on the practice field and let the team practice itself and do now worse…Hell the Aggies Players coaching themselves probably do better and that reality has gotta hurt when….

You ass is paying Jimbo’s ass $9M+ a year

Oh….Jimbo’s buyout at the end of the 2023 season is…wait for it…$77M Large!

This is Damn Idiocy on a scale not seen since Kansas hired Cheeseburger Charlie Weis and one really does have to wonder how much longer the Oil Boys gonna tolerate this Crapola but then come on now…

This is Texas A&M and your ass cannot spell Horseshit Mediocrity without using A&M in there somewhere!

Be Damn Proud you Damn Morons in Aggieland and keep this Train a Rolling on down the track and what choice do you have except to…

Tolerate Horseshit Mediocrity or Write Jimbo’s Ass a Big Check and from our personal experience…

The Aggies Oil Boys would take down the Whole State of Texas and America itself before they EVER admit their asses wrong about something so…

Let the Total Destruction of Aggies Football keep on a rolling right down the track!

2.  Ken Wilson, Nevada – With the loss to UNLV on Saturday by the score of 45 – 27 which has a first year Head Coach in Barry Odom and appears to be totally revitalized under Odom when Nevada looks totally listless that leaves Wilson’s record in 2 years at UNR at >

2 – 16

Yes…maybe Nevada can run table and finish at 6 – 6 but with these games left…

At San Diego State
New Mexico
At Utah State
At Colorado State

….but reality is just 2 wins would probably be an accomplishment for this Wolf Pack team which says all you gotta know about Wilson at this moment!

2 – 10 would be a Damn Accomplishment!

3.  Danny Gonzales, New Mexico – With a 52 – 24 home loss to San Jose State on Saturday to drop Danny Gonzales records with the Lobos in 4 years on the job to…

Overall:  9 – 28
MWC:  3 – 22

….you can send the Fat Lady out onto the stage unless Danny is holding something back because now at 2 – 4 with these games left…

At Nevada
At Boise State
At Fresno State
Utah State

…how in the world could the Lobos get to 6 Wins in 2023 which Gonzales will probably need to return to coach New Mexico in 2024?

4.  Tom Allen, Indiana – We gave Indiana ZERO chance to beat Michigan on Saturday and although the 52 – 7 drubbing was worse than we expected there was just No Damn Chance the Hoosiers were going to win that game at the Big House which says a lot about Indiana and Michigan football right now and with the loss IU is now…

2 – 4

…on the season with games left against >

At Penn State
At Illinois
Michigan State
At Purdue

Indiana has a shot at winning 6 games in 2023 but they GOTTA beat Rutgers this coming Saturday at home to have any chance of that happening!

This is The Damn Game Tommy Boy and you just GOTTA beat Rutgers on Saturday so for Damn Sure let everything you got and then some out of the barn Son!

As John Madden always told his Oakland Raiders teams at halftime >

“Don’t worry about the horse being blind. Just load the wagon!”

5.  Justin Wilcox, California – In 7 seasons at California Justin Wilcox has posted

Two .500+ Seasons

…and with the loss to Utah on Saturday his records now stand at >

Overall:  33 – 40
Pac-12:  18 – 35

Cal Football is a Damn Mess and Hell Cal Athletics is a Damn Mess as well having a TON of Debt and headed to the ACC Conference in 2023 where they gonna make a lot less $$$ than they would made in the Pac-12 and we haven’t a clue where the Football or Athletic Programs going but it would be nice for Wilcox and the Bears to win a few games down the stretch of 2023 season with games against >

At Oregon
Washington State
At Stanford

Damn….Cal might not win another game and finish the 2023 season at….

3 – 9!

6.  Dave Aranda, Baylor – Baylor had a bye in Week 7 and Dave Aranda and the Bears were probably happy for that after getting their asses whipped by Texas Tech at home in Week 6 and now at 2 – 4 on the season they have a road trip game at Cincinnati and Dave Aranda really needs to win this game or this…

Whole Damn Rodeo could go right into the Brazos River and we talking about the Deep End of the Brazos River!

Baylor has left in 2023…

At Cincinnati
Iowa State
At Kansas State
West Virginia

….and Hell Baylor might not win another game this season!

We know what’s gone wrong at Baylor but does Dave Aranda know?

We doubt it because if he did know he would fix it…we think!

7.  Butch Jones, Arkansas State – After getting their asses whipped in Week 6 Butch Jones and Arkansas State had bye in Week 7 and now it’s back to Football for the 3 – 3 Red Wolves who really should get to at least 6 Wins in 2023 with this relatively easy schedule left to play >

Coastal Carolina
At La. Monroe
At South Alabama
Texas State
At Marshall

Check That…Butch and ASU Better Damn Win their next 2 games against Coastal Carolia and La. Monroe because those last 4 games are all gonna be tough places to get a Win!

Get Off Your Ass Butch!

8.  Billy Napier, Florida – Billy Boy Napier and Florida went on the road and got a much-needed win against South Carolina and at the end of the game Beamer Boy was blaming everyone he could point to but his own ass for the Gamecocks loss and now Florida at…

5 – 2

…have games left against…

Georgia in Jacksonville
At Mizzou
Florida State

One has gotta think Georgia beats Florida and that LSU, Mizzou, and Florida State are gonna be tough games to get a Win in for the Gators so if Florida is going bowling in 2023 they better Damn beat Arkansas at Florida Field on November 4 or this Gators Train will go right into the swamp and there ain’t no getting out of the swamp once your ass gets into it!

9.  Mario Cristobal, Miami – Mario, Mario, Mario….if your ass had just taken a knee and beaten Georgia Tech that loss to North Carolina on Saturday not looked so bad but with that loss the Canes are now at….

4 – 2

…on the season with games left against…

At NC State
At Florida State
At Boston College

Oh Momma….could Miami be playing Boston College in late November in what will probably be bad Boston weather to get their asses to 6 Wins and a bowl game?

Maybe So and that would be a Total Disaster for No Kneel Mario!

10. Dana Holgorsen, Houston – Talk about your ass being in the frying pan and about to cooked-up for dinner then an earthquake happens and your ass is flipped out of the frying pan and into a bowl of cool water that’s what happened with Dana Holgorsen’s ass on Thursday night as the Cougars pulled a victory out of you know where on a Hail Mary to beat West Virginia and saved Holgo’s ass…for now that is!

Houston is now 3 – 3 on the season but there’s no rest for the weary and Dana’s ass could go right back into the frying pan and quick because look at the Cougs upcoming schedule >

At Kansas State
At Baylor
Oklahoma State

How in Hell exactly is Houston gonna win 3 of their remaining 6 games to just get to bowl eligibility?

Hell if we know!

Get out the Old Bay and put it on Dana because his ass is about to go right back into the frying pan!

11.  Jeff Hafley, Boston College – Boston College had a bye in Week 7 but the Eagles are back to Big Boy Football in Week 8 with a record of 3 – 3 and games in 2023 left against >

At Georgia Tech
At Syracuse
Virginia Tech
At Pitt

Can BC find 3 more wins to get bowl eligible in 2023?

Is there a chance that the Sun will rise in the West in the morning?

Not A Damn Chance in Hell of either happening!

12.  Brent Pry, Virginia Tech – Hey now the Hokies have won 2 of their last 3 games and showed signs of life against Wake Forest so maybe Brent Pry’s ass has finally woken up and his ass has realized that Life Is Right Damn Now and his ass Better Start Winning Right Damn Now and 3 – 4 Virginia Tech has another very winnable home game against Syracuse on Saturday that the Hokies Better Damn Win because a loss in this spot with these games left after the Orange…

At Louisville
At Boston College
NC State
At Virginia

…there’s only 1 Sure Win left on the schedule and that’s at Virginia on November 25 and that’s an in-state rival game and really Damn anything could happen in Charlottesville so…

Memo to Brent Pry > Don’t lose to Syracuse Son!

Let’s Play Football!

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